Welcome to the Jim DeFilippi website. Please take a look around.
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Welcome to the Jim DeFilippi website. Please take a look around.
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The Lede
Jim DeFilippi (The Mules of Monte Cassino, Duck Alley, Jesus Burned) is a prolific and eccentric American author and novelist. His forty-four books have been praised by publications like Publishers Weekly, Newsday, The Library Journal, Booklist, and many more.
Jim enjoys jumping genres— literary fiction, crime novels, humor, history, biographies, stage plays, screenplays, children’s stories, even some poetry and a cook book. His latest book, Tough Guys Don’t Eat Muzzle, offers true crime, biography, American history, social commentary, sociology, personal memoir, “a pinch of failed poetry,” and creative nonfiction.
At last count, Jim has published over two and a half million words. All of his titles are still in print.
Name Dropping
Jim is proud of the personal contacts he has made throughout his career with some of the great literary figures of America and Europe.
Is considered a giant of American literature, with best-selling books in each of the seven decades after World War II. His The Naked and the Dead and Armies of the Night are timeless classics.
Mailer received two Pulitzer Prizes, wrote masterly novels and works of nonfiction, as well as being a filmmaker, an activist, a politician, and an iconic and fascinating personality.
When Jim suggested to Mailer that he write a biography of the prizefighter Sonny Listen, he explained to Jim, “A biography would be tough, because the people who know the truth have spent so many years lying that they don’t remember it. Certain men’s lives have to remain a mystery and I think Listen’s might be one of them.”
Nevertheless, Mailer’s next book extensively discussed the life and mysterious death of Sonny Listen.
Is the creator of the Jack Reacher series, the most popular and admired crime series of the Twenty-First Century. Child chose the first pages of Jim’s Jimmy Malignant as one of the best opening pages of any novel yet to be written.
Is one of the greatest writers in the history of American crime novels.
In regards to Jim’s first crime novel, Blood Sugar, “Dutch” Leonard told Jim, “Before long, a first-time novelist might be studying your style and say, ‘So that’s how you do it.’”
Was a master not only of the spy novel but of novel writing in general. He thanked Jim for sharing praise and insight into his work.
Jim made his bones on the short, tough sentence, but fell in love with leCarré’s twisting, meandering sentences, often ending with a surprise at the final word.
George V. Higgins wrote The Friends of Eddie Coyle, widely regarded as the best American crime novel ever
written. Jim and Higgins had a long and fascinating correspondence friendship.
About Jim’s novel, Duck Alley, Higgins wrote for a cover blurb: “Jim DeFilippi’s story of a boyhood friendship become a life-long bond, ending in one’s death and the other’s death-in-life for me is
A Separate Peace in blue collar. A wonderful book.”
Jim is especially proud of this praise since Higgins did not suffer fools kindly and was selective in his praise of fellow writers.
These two icons of crime writing, named Jim’s short story “A Fog of Many Colors,” as a distinguish mystery story in their anthology The Best American Mystery Stories.
Honors And Blurbs
Jim’s humor writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Press Award.
His novel Blood Sugar was nominated for a Hammett Prize for Best Crime Fiction.
His short story, “A Fog of Many Colors,” was named a “Distinguished Mystery Story” in The
Best American Mystery Stories.
The National Society of Newspaper Columnists recognized his column for Outstanding Humor.
Amazon named Jim’s biography, Busting Stones:The Trials and Treasures of Martha Gellhorn,
as “The Number One Top Release in Women’s History Studies.”
The Mules of Monte Cassino has been called a non-fiction Catch-22 and Slaughterhouse Five.
His novel The Cart Savior was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in Fiction.
The Books
Step into worlds of imagination, adventure, humor, and inspiration. This is your gateway to explore all of Jim’s books, available now on Jim’s Amazon Page. Click below to start your journey—every story awaits you!
Jim publishes his short pieces at Five Minute Lit. (www.fiveminutelit.com) Their rules are: 1. Nonfiction; 2. A five-minute occurrence in a life; 3. EXACTLY 100 words. Jim loves the form so much he used it to write his autobiography, 100 MEMOIRS 100 WORDS. Here are a few of his pieces:.
I was sitting on a rock, three quarters of the way up Mount Mansfield, as my daughter and grandson were coming back down. I had told them I was tired, go on up, I would wait. My daughter said that once at the top, they had asked some fellow climbers about me. They were told, “Well, there’s an old man sitting on a rock, talking to everybody.” I realized that had been my goal in life all along and I had achieved it. I have always just wanted to be an old man sitting on a rock talking to everybody.
Combat training, Military Police School, Lackland Air Force Base. Prone firing position: belly on the ground, legs apart, elbows steadied in the dirt. The M-16’s muzzle is pointed down-range at the target: a human outline. The T. I. barks out: “Keep your shooter’s eye on the front gun-sight, not on the target.” Not on the blurred outline. “Aim at the chest.” I’m doing fine—Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert. Suddenly my eyesight rises to the target itself. It has a face! My eyes water, the target blurs. He has a face! I realize: In my lifetime I don’t want to hurt anyone.
When I was eleven years old, my Dad took me to a meeting in a smoky, crowded union hall. The Bartenders and Restaurant Workers Union was a disreputable outfit. The president shouted into the microphone, “I see some non-union members here. They have to leave.” My Dad whispered to me, “They don’t mean you.” The president, pointing at an obvious reporter, “I mean like that guy over there!” Two busted-nosed thugs grabbed the reporter by his arms, dragged him out, threw him in the alley. No one ever noticed me, but for a while there, I continued to shit bricks.
I idolize Bob Dylan. When my son got a work-study assignment to prepare Bob’s dressing room for a campus concert, I drove six hours. We prepared the room per Bob’s roadies’ many instructions (first time I heard of balsamic vinegar). Then: Heartbreak. Security cleared us out. I figured out Bob’s route and snuck to the bottom of a staircase. Bob descended, looking like a tiny Tusken Raider. Screwing up my courage, I called, “Have a good show tonight, Bob.” In the best corner-boy tradition, Bob nodded his chin toward me, as if to say “Got it.” My life was complete.
from our blog
Jim’s newest is his first whodunit, THE CHAMPAGNE UNDERTOW, set on a billionaire’s island. Someone is killing the inhabitants.
Jim’s publisher is BROWN FEDORA BOOKS.
Jim’s very supportive writing group is the Carrot Cakes
As a hobby, Jim has enjoyed growing his own tobacco and rolling his own cigars for years. The slogan for DeFilippi Premiums is. “No one ever asked for a second one.” Go to YouTube and search his video, “Cigar Growing in Northern Vermont.”
In Jim’s cookbook/workout book, ERX: EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE, each recipe is followed by a workout routine using that food. Here, two delicious homemade calzone are strapped on the knees and eaten while doing sit-ups.
Jim keeps every part of his body in top physical condition, including his index finger.
Jim recently read from his upcoming whodunit, THE CHAMPAIGN UNDERTOW, at the Salem, Mass, Athenaeum.
Jim’s family recently celebrated his 80th birthday.
Jim was a public school teacher for thirty years. His advice to new teachers was always the same: Whenever you have a choice between teaching a kid something and going for the joke, go for the joke, every time.
Jim is a Vietnam era veteran, although he never saw combat and did not miss it one bit.
As a United States veteran, Jim eats between four and five free meals on each Veteran’s Day.
Jim’s beautiful family, his wife’s beautiful face being hidden by his showboating hand.
Contrary to popular belief, Jim did not pay his way through St. John’s University by playing fiddle on the IRT subway.
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